URP - Project Setup

Installation for URP version of the asset

  1. Install the Unity version 2022.3.x or newer.

  1. Create a new Universal 3D (URP) project with Editor Version 2022.3.x or newer.

  1. Import UHFPS - Ultimate Horror FPS KIT (HDRP) into your project from the Package Manager or as a Custom Package (website version).

  2. If you get a message saying that the Asset Package has Unity Package Manager dependencies, click Install/Upgrade. It will install all the required packages that have been used in the asset.

  1. If you get a message saying that the project is using a new input system package and if you want to enable backends, click No. Unity will restart before importing the asset, which means you will have to import the asset again. We will restart Unity after the UHFPS has been imported.

  1. Restart the Unity Engine so that the project will reload and function properly.

Demo scenes of the asset can be found in the ThunderWire Studio\UHFPS\_Demo\Scenes folder. The main scene, which shows everything from the asset, can be found in the Playground scene.

Last updated