
Current Version: 1.4 (13.07.2024)

UHFPS - Patch Update v1.4 (13.07.2024)

  • Added Thermometer Item

  • Added EMF Meter Item

  • Added Maze Puzzle

  • Added new blend puzzle type

  • Added puzzle examine component

  • Added ability to parent player to a object and maintain rotation.

  • Added ability to change player rotation style.

  • Added ability to override floating icon culling

  • Added ability to save and load selected item

  • Added ability to sort inventory items to categories

  • Added new VHS cassette example

  • Fixed issue with stamina not updating when running

  • Fixed issue with generator always playing refuel sound

  • Fixed potential issue with electric circuit puzzle that showed incorrect part rotation

  • Fixed camcorder issue when rapidly selecting or deselecting the item

  • Fixed issue where elevator does not auto close sometimes

  • Changed the method of getting player child components.

  • Changed VHS Display font to monospaced font

  • Changed jumpscare wobble effect

  • Changed the holding position for flashlight animation

  • Changed the default footstep timings

  • Adjusted the motion controller motion settings

UHFPS - Patch Update v1.3.1 (23.03.2024)
  • Fixed generator interaction issues

  • Fixed problem with wall detection when gun was equipped

  • Fixed an issue that allowed the player to examine items when inventory or pause menu was displayed

  • Fixed an issue that caused the burst of steps to play after running

  • Fixed an issue with GLoc that displayed an error when the localization key was incorrect

UHFPS - Major Update v1.3.1 (18.03.2024)
  • Added Power Generator System

  • Added Hiding System

  • Added Radio

  • Added Floating Interact Icon

  • Added Flickering Light Component

  • Added Inventory Custom Use Actions

  • Added new VHS Recorder model

  • Added Dialogue Asset help instructions

  • Added ability to set a shortcut to starting items

  • Added ability to set or inherit custom data after combining items

  • Added ability to override floating icon settings

  • Added ability to define narrator color for subtitles

  • Added Interactable Item Auto Equip option

  • Added new examine interfaces to extend functionality

  • Added new interact hover interfaces to extend functionality

  • Updated CRT TV Texture

  • Updated Interactable Light to implement IPowerConsumer

  • Updated Switcher Item to implement IPowerConsumer

  • Updated Inventory description to allow showing values from custom data

  • Fixed inventory item description to allow multiline text

  • Fixed missing Cutscene Cut Blend Style

  • Fixed issue after changing FOV while having a pistol equipped

  • Fixed showing colon when narrator name is empty

UHFPS - Major Update v.1.2 (22.10.2023)
  • Added new three Demo Scenes

  • Added new smooth Movement Type

  • Added Player Fall Damage

  • Added Narration/Speak System

  • Added Inventory Crafting

  • Added Items Auto Shortcut

  • Added Camera External Motions

  • Added Pocket Knife Melee

  • Added Axe Melee

  • Added Safe Lock Puzzle

  • Added Pressure Plate

  • Added Elevator System

  • Added Glare POI Effect

  • Added Raindrop Screen Effect

  • Added Raining VFX

  • Added Gunpowder, Scrap Model

  • Added Guide Papers

  • Added new Paper Models

  • Added new Bullet/Melee Impacts

  • Added new Sounds

  • Added HierarchyDecorator

  • Improved Game UI

  • Improved Player State Machine

  • Improved Player Cutscene

  • Improved Inventory System

  • Improved Motion Controller

  • Improved Cutscene Trigger

  • Improved Objectives Asset

  • Improved Surface Asset

  • Improved Inventory Database

  • Removed Knife Player Item

  • Fixed issue with incorrect valve rotation event

  • Fixed issue with player collisions on drawers

  • Fixed issue with player item sounds after enabling player object

  • Fixed issue with incorrect rotation of electric circuit puzzle components

  • Fixed issue with having items in inventory after selecting new game

  • Fixed issue with stacking multiple items in inventory

  • Fixed issue with look glitch after interacting with ladders

  • Fixed issue with displaying the wrong key after rebind in the UI

  • Fixed issue where it was not possible to interact with movable object

  • Fixed incorrect display of ammo quantity for pistol

UHFPS - Patch v.1.1c (16.8.2023)
  • Added Rigidbody Parenter component to help parent objects to drawers, etc.

  • Added a Switcher Light component that allows multiple lights and emissions to be turned on.

  • Fixed a small inventory stacking issue where the stack was sometimes not being created.

  • Fixed an issue with the camera zoom sound still playing even when the zoom was finished.

  • Fixed an issue where dragged items could not be rotated when the Drag Type option was set to Fixed Velocity.

  • Fixed an issue with Draggable Item sliding sound not being played.

  • Fixed an issue with a Draggable Item being parented to the wrong parent.

UHFPS - Patch v.1.1b (9.8.2023)
  • The inspector header in the base scripts now includes a link to the documentation.

  • Added a player gizmos mesh which should help to get a better overview of where the player is on the scene.

  • Added Items Storage component to store items in boxes, drawers, etc.

  • Added night vision camera toggle, when enabled it drains the battery faster.

  • Updated inventory space management, it is now possible to expand a certain amount of slots instead of rows.

  • Changed the design of the Inspector Header.

  • Changed SaveGameManager ConstantSaveables -> WorldSaveables.

  • Changed ManagerModules from ScriptableObject -> SerializedReference.

  • Fixed an issue where the container title was not displayed in the inventory.

  • Fixed an issue with the SavesUILoader script showing an index out of bounds error in the main menu when there were no saved games.

  • Fixed an issue with the pistol flashlight attachment not showing up after moving to a different scene.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error to appear when removing a screen effect from the effects list.

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to equip/unequip player items while solving puzzles.

  • Fixed an issue with inventory container items that could not be able to move to a specific slot.

  • Fixed ItemGuid and ItemProperty item linking in arrays.

UHFPS - Patch v.1.1a (31.7.2023)
  • Moved base kit render features to a single render feature

  • Fixed an issue that prevented combining some items in the inventory

  • Fixed an issue that displayed an error after saving a new inventory item after a combination

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to take a examined object from the inventory and increase the count of items

  • Fixed an issue where the continue button was not displayed in the Main Menu

  • Fixed missing references to objects in the Main Menu UI

UHFPS - Major Update v.1.1 (25.7.2023)
  • Updated to LTS Unity 2022.3.0

  • Added new Jumpscare Triggers

  • Added new Procedural Motions

  • Added Options Menu UI

  • Added Controllable CCTV Cameras

  • Added Timed Interact Event

  • Added Health Inventory Items

  • Added Key Inventory Items

  • Added Trigger Hint Message

  • Added Autosave Trigger

  • Added Look At Target Function

  • Added Dynamic Object Locked Motion

  • Added Dynamic Object Locked Text

  • Added Lockpicks Count Text

  • Added Audio Channels to Camcorder

  • Added new UI and Controls Font

  • Added new Fullscreen Blit Effects

  • Added Animation Play Event

  • Added light smooth state change

  • Added Emerald AI 3.0 Integration

  • Redesigned Damage Effect

  • Redesigned Help Controls UI

  • Redesigned Inventory UI

  • Redesigned Interaction UI

  • Redesigned Objectives UI

  • Redesigned Camcorder Overlay

  • Fixed zombie health bug when loading from save

  • Fixed dynamic object locked sounds not playing issue

UHFPS - Patch v.1.0.1 (23.5.2023)
  • Updated to Unity 2022.2.20f1

  • Added Unbreakable Bobby Pin option to Lockpick Puzzle

  • Added new Dual Kawase Blur Effect

  • Added Animated Door Prefab

  • Added PostProcessing Effects

  • Fixed issue where it was not able to save a game with multiple same runtime saveables

  • Fixed issue where you were able to fire from a gun while holding an object

  • Fixed issue where the previous scene persistency tried to load a deleted save

  • Fixed issue with loading expanded inventory slots

  • Fixed issue with the Screenshot Feature when using Unity 2022

🎉 First Release v1.0 (15.5.2023)

Last updated