Motion Controller
The motion controller is used to procedurally generate and combine multiple camera motions into one final motion, which is then applied to the camera. By blending multiple motions, it is possible to create realistic camera effects.
Motions are activated by changing the player's state to the specified state that the motions use. For example, motions in the Default state are always updated, motions in the Walk state are only updated if the player's state changes to the Walk state.
Adding new Motions
To add a new Motion State, simply click the Add State button and select the state. To add motion to a state, simply click the plus (+) button next to the Motion Data title and select the motion module.
Creating new Motion Modules
If you want to create new motion modules, you can choose between Simple and Spring motion module type. The difference between these two types is that the Spring type creates realistic motion similar to a human swaying. In some cases, you may need to create a simple motion, such as breathing, etc., so you can also use the Simple motion module type.
Here is a simple script that creates spring-like motion:
To create a simple motion, just derive it from the SimpleMotionModule. The newly created motions will be displayed when you click the plus button.
The same motion technique is also used in the player items, so you can create realistic motions when the player item is equipped.
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