Game Manager

Adding Custom UI References

When you have created a new Player Item and want to display a custom UI interface, you can incorporate custom UI references into the Game Manager. This will allow you to access these UI references with ease.

  1. In the UHFPS Game Manager component located in the GAMEMANAGER object, you'll come across a section called Custom UI References. To include a new UI reference, simply press the Add button.

  1. To utilize the UI references, assign a name that will be used to access the references. Once that's done, you can easily use the GraphicReferences field to obtain the UI references by their designated name.

Here is a code snippet to get the flashlight UI references:

private void Awake()
    GameManager gameManager = GameManager.Instance;

    var behaviours = gameManager.GraphicReferences.Value["Flashlight"];
    CanvasGroup flashlightPanel = (CanvasGroup)behaviours[0];
    Image batteryIcon = (Image)behaviours[1];
    Image batteryFill = (Image)behaviours[2];

As you may have noticed, to get the specified reference, you have to access it using an index number because the return value from GraphicReferences is an array.

Adding Manager Modules

Adding module managers can be advantageous if you have components that don't have variables, or if you prefer a clean view of the inspector, or even if you're looking for convenient access to a module.

  1. To create a new manager module, your new script needs to inherit from the ManagerModule class.

namespace UHFPS.Runtime
    public class TestModule : ManagerModule
        public override void OnAwake()

        public override void OnStart()

        public override void OnUpdate()
  1. Write your code into the provided methods as you typically would. Keep in mind that the ManagerModule class is based on a ScriptableObject. This implies that you can't include variables with scene references.

  2. Find the Manager Modules asset, which is located within the UHFPS Game Manager component.

  3. Within the Manager Modules asset, click on the Add Module button and pick your newly created module. This action will generate a new Module asset and automatically integrate it into the Manager Modules.

  1. To retrieve a Module reference from the game manager, just use the Module<T> method from the GameManager component.

private void Awake()
    TestModule testModule = GameManager.Module<TestModule>();

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